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FinchApi is the API potion of the Finch library. This is what defines the schema and executes the resolvers of GraphQL API requests. This should live in the background of your extension to be able to serve request to your extension, or websites client scripts. FinchApi is a class and most configuration will be done through the constructor, but after and instance is created there are also some useful methods you can use to execute queries and mutations.



This is the main class of the api package. It is used to create an instance of the api.

import { FinchApi } from '@finch-graphql/api';
export const api = FinchApi(options);


The options is the only param to the constructor of the FinchApi class.

options.typeDefs is a GraphQL DocumentNode or array of GraphQL DocumentNodes. This defines the schema of the API.

options.resolvers is an object with the resolvers of the API or an array of objects with the resolvers of the API. The shape of this is defined by your GraphQL schema and you can read more about this here.

options.context is an object with the context of the API. This is the context of the GraphQL query and you can use it to pass data to the resolvers.

options.connection is a instance of a connection class. This can be used to create a way to list for messages. By default this will create a port connection via the FinchPortConnection class. To use traditional message passing you can use the FinchMessageConnection class. To turn off all auto connection mechanisms you can use the FinchNullConnection class.

options.messageKey this is a string that controls the key of the message, this is used to identify the message in the messaging system is coming from the right location.

options.messagePortName this is a string that controls the name of the message port. This is used to identify the message port in the messaging system.

options.disableIntrospection is a boolean that disables the introspection of the API. This is useful if you allow you production application connect to the public devtool.

options.disableDevtools is a boolean that disables the devtools of the API. This does not stop introspection of the API, but stop the ability of the devtools to connect to the API for debugging messages in the API.

options.middleware is an array of functions that will be executed before the GraphQL request is executed. See more about middleware here.


This is a method that allows you to execute a GraphQL query in the background of the extension. This is useful so you can expose functionality in the graph to your background script.

const resp = await api.query(query [, variables]);

This can be used to execute queries and mutations.


This is a method that you can call manually to handle messages from the extension.

// Not needed if you have attachMessages set to true
browser.runtime.onMessage.addListener((message, sender, sendResponse) => {
return api.onMessage(message, sender);


This is a method that you can call manually to handle messages from the extension.

// Not needed if you have attachMessages set to true
(message, sender, sendResponse) => {
return api.onExternalMessage(message, sender);


Ports connections are automatically created but in case you want to control all the options passed to FinchPortConnection you can use this class and pass it to the connection option of FinchApi.

import { FinchPortConnection, FinchApi } from '@finch-graphql/api';
const api = new FinchApi({
connection: new FinchPortConnection({
messagePortName: 'ITS_A_SECRET',
external: false,

There is only a few options available for the port connection.

options.messagePortName is a string that is the name of the message port. Default is _finchMessagePort.

options.external is a boolean that controls if we should listen to the external message port or not.


FinchMessageConnection is a connection class that is used to create a connection to the extension using async message. This is how 2.x versions of Finch worked. If you do not need any long lasting connections you may want to pass this FinchMessageConnection class to the connection option of FinchApi.

import { FinchMessageConnection, FinchApi } from '@finch-graphql/api';
const api = new FinchApi({
connection: new FinchMessageConnection({
messageKey: 'ITS_A_SECRET',
external: false,

options.messageKey is a string that is the key of the message. Default is Finch-message.

options.external is a boolean that controls if we should listen to the external message port or not.


This is a connection class that is used to disable all connection mechanisms. This is useful if you need to handle messages from the extension manually. Auto connection for messages my cause issues in other message listeners.

import { FinchNullConnection, FinchApi } from '@finch-graphql/api';
const api = new FinchApi({
connection: new FinchNullConnection(),